Our property management company, NovaCorp Properties Limited, has provided the following information regarding our building operations during the State of Emergency (SOE) called by Premier Stephen McNeil on March 23, 2020.
NovaCorp Properties has instructed our superintendent, Donald, to do the following:
- Continue to clean high touch areas with disinfectant several times a day.
- Limit contractors and service providers to essential services only for the time being and all contractors entering the building must provide their COVID19 protocols in writing.
NovaCorp Properties and the board of directions recommends the following for residents:
- Regular handwashing is key in minimizing spread so please wash hands regularly with soap and water. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available.
- Avoid touching common area components where possible and wipe surfaces after touching: elevator buttons, intercom panel, door handles, railings etc.
- Social distancing is essential – keep 6 feet distance between you and others. This may mean waiting for the next elevator or standing outside one door to allow another to pass.
- The SOE prohibits gatherings of 5 or more people and social distancing is required for smaller groups. Please note that the government will be levying fines for failure to comply.
- We would ask that folks consider limiting any guests to the building at this time.
- We ask that residents – other than those in isolation – meet delivery persons in the exterior lobby vestibule rather than permit them access to the building.
- Contact the superintendent, Donald, via phone or email and when you must approach please maintain appropriate social distancing.
- All non-essential work including unit renovations will not be approved during this time.
NovaCorp Properties and the board of directors would also like to bring attention to the special considerations of living in a multi-unit building :
- Some of our neighbours are in high-risk groups with existing conditions and/or are seniors who are highly susceptible to infection and even death from COVID-19. While this may seem like an overreaction to some, it is a very real concern for many.
- Each time you leave your unit and walk through a common area of the building, you are in fact, walking through the home of all residents in the building, some who are in high-risk groups.
- Simply touching mailboxes, door handles, elevator buttons, railings, etc., you are increasing the risk of transmission to building staff who are already under stress to increase cleaning frequency and putting them at higher risk of infection.
For those in post-travel self-isolation, we ask that you do not enter common areas of the building for the full 14-day period in order to best protect our most vulnerable residents. We also ask that you report your return to the superintendent, Donald, who may be able to provide information on resources and how to obtain essentials during your period of isolation.
We must all do our best to slow the spread of COVID-19, especially to our most vulnerable citizens. We are taking precautions to make your home safer and we need your assistance in our efforts.
We can get through this by helping each other. If you are able to help, please check in on more vulnerable neighbours or those you know are in self-isolation by phone or email. If you need help, please reach out to your neighbours, or give Donald a call (902-830-7548).
Together we have the power to keep everyone in our shared home safe. Thank you for helping make Spinnaker Arms the wonderful place it is to live.
Please stay safe.
Your board of directors and NovaCorp Properties
P.S. There is so much information available it’s hard to keep track and know what is accurate and applicable. Government agencies and health authorities are doing their best to give guidelines for best practices. You can find them online here:
Federal Government information and updates: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html
Provincial Government information and updates: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
Municipal Government information and updates: https://www.halifax.ca/fire-police/fire/emergency-management/corona-virus-disease-covid-19
World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html